Well, maybe not everybody. And not necessarily my name. Okay, okay! When those close to you know your passion. That's what I meant to say, but it doesn't have that same "Cheer's theme song" recognition.

What am I going on about? My friend and sorority sister Amanda texted me this photo the other day:
The fact that she stopped what she was doing, took this photo, and sent it to me just about makes my heart explode.
Plus, my long-time friend and (yet another) sorority sister sent me these for my birthday:

I love when people know and acknowledge my love for books, reading, and literacy. Yes, it's not like I keep it a secret. My forearm has a book tattooed in plain sight. My car has "Reader" on the back. I wear shirts that say things like "Lit Happens" and "The Book was Better". So, I'm pretty loud and proud about my love for all-things-written.
But, when it is sent back to me in such a solid and understanding way ... well, that just makes my day.
Thanks, Amanda and NotSureYouWantMeToMentionYourName!