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  • Writer's pictureCarmen Milligan

Second Meeting of Sorority Book Club

The second meeting of my sorority book club will meet tonight. Unfortunately, I won't be available (we had to push it a week to the right) to attend the Zoom meeting, but am thrilled that two collegiates have agreed to facilitate the discussion.

The book is Normal People by Sally Rooney. A Young Adult book, the story revolves around two teenagers: he a popular soccer player, and she a reserved and unpopular loner. They develop an unlikely friendship that they both keep hidden. As the story takes them from high school to college, they continue to orbit one another, as they mature.

It was an interesting choice, and not one that I would have chosen. I am sorry that I will miss the discussion tonight, since I would like to see what my book club sees as the "take aways" from the story. I am also curious to see the story viewed by young adults versus those older readers in the group.

Let me know if you have read this book, and what you thought. I will post my review soon on Bubbly Bibbly.

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