A lot of people in business use their email signatures to promote their company, bring attention to a special promotion, or attach their business card. Basically, it's the very bottom of the email, after the closing. However, a lot of people promote something else entirely. Many of these, of course, mean something to the sender, but very rarely to the recipient. That's why I have always eschewed adding anything to the bottom of my emails, in the signature.
I'm talking motivational quotes, Bible verses, and the like. Here is a sampling of some that I run across:
When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier (Roy E. Disney)
Your mind is your lead, inject with positivity. Your feet are your foundation, walk with purpose. And your heart is your stamp, make it beautiful. - Tene Edwards
God is good all the time.
Ad Astra Per Aspera
And, yes, these are actual signature lines that I have received on my work email. Since it's work, I think correspondence should be work-related. There are rules about sending jokes, chain letters, and the like through email. Shouldn't there also be a rule against putting anything in a signature line that is not relevant or may even offend someone? I mean, there are some great lines from "Pirates of the Caribbean", but I don't need Captain Jack Sparrow to help me try to live my best life.
Best business practice: Keep the business signatures business.